Best Burn Barrel Design For Burning Trash & Household waste

Best Burn Barrel Design For Burning Trash & Household waste

Is garbage removal not readily available in your area? Does your local dump no longer accept household trash? If so, our Hi-Temp Burn Barrel is the answer to your problems.

Our line of Hi-Temp Burn Barrel home incinerators are the perfect solution for burning trash and household waste. While we suggest you only burn dry materials such as: yard waste and non-recyclable paper products, we understand circumstances arise whereby burning trash is the only option.

Before our products came to market, getting rid of garbage meant burning trash in either an open pit or in smoky 55-gallon trash barrels. Those methods are not only a public safety hazard they are also a huge environmental hazard. Open pits and trash burn barrels are constantly starved for oxygen, which results in a smoldering mess. This makes waste incineration impossible and at times even illegal. Because of this, many towns and municipalities have burn bans which prevent trash burning on specific days.

Our products produce such little smoke, a lot of the time they are still legal to use even when a burn ban is in place. Our patented air-flow system ensures a constant current of air so your trash burns hot while containing burning embers. While you still need approval from your local fire department or township, we strongly recommend that you read more about alternatives to burning and to make sure you are burning right.

Our Hi-Temp Burn Barrels can achieve temperatures over 1800F! By burning waste at such a high temperature, materials burn quickly and with less clean up. The patented internal flanges and air-flow system allows for maximum air flow at all levels of the Hi-Temp Burn Barrel chamber. With very little residue and minimal ashes, disposing of trash just got a whole lot easier. Fortunately, we're not done yet! We are constantly researching how to make our Hi-Temp Burn Barre trash burners operate more efficiently. All models are constructed from 100% Stainless Steel.
Replace Your Burn Barrel With A Hi-Temp. Mini-Incinerator


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